Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Convert PDF documents to word documents

If you require editing a PDF document, you can do it by purchasing an expensive PDF editor. Another and better option is to convert the document into a word document and edit it and then you can re convert the edited word document to PDF.PDF to word document converter is a cute free software which will help you to convert texts, images and shapes in your PDF documents without losing the layout. It can convert all the pages, or any pages range of the PDF file.
And it is a standalone program - you can convert PDF to Word Doc without Adobe Acrobat Reader or Microsoft Word installed! It supports Adobe PDF 1.0 - 1.6 formats and can automatically open the output file when the conversion is done.
Free PDF to Word Doc Converter cannot convert PDF file with password protection. You may need PDF Password Recovery software to remove the password of PDF file before converting it to Word file. If you want to convert the word document to PDF document you can use Cute PDF.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ispring converter -Convert your presentations into flash movies.

Ispring power point to flash free converter is a handy utility for all who do quality power point presentations. It can create web friendly flash movies from your power point presentations created in 2000/XP/2003/2007 versions of Microsoft office and that too keeping most of the advanced effects and features. Ispring integrates with Microsoft power point and works as a plug in from it. Generated Flash presentations look as if they have always been Flash movies.

The main advantages are
  1. Highly compatible regardless of viewer's platforms and browsers
  2. Easily distributed in Flash format which is welcome everywhere and optimized for web
  3. Rapid as streaming Flash starts playback as soon as the first slide is loaded
  4. Secure as Flash format is hardly changeable than .ppt and .pptx
  5. You can Insert flash swf files into power point presentations using Ispring.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

ScribeFire -easy blogging on multiple blogs

If you run more than one blog ScribeFire will make blogging hassle free and a pleasant experience. ScribeFire is a Mozilla Firefox plug-in which will work as a full-featured blog editor and allows you to publish your posts to different blogs from the same window. You can drag and drop formatted text from pages you are browsing, take notes, upload images, and post to multiple blogs.

When you click a small icon in the bottom of your browser a small window pops up with easy to navigate tabs. It’s a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) as you work. It even has preview of what it will look like on your blog before you publish it.
When ScribeFire opens, an account wizard will appear to help you connect to your blog. Once all your blogs are configured the entire process of logging in which is time consuming can be avoided. Another great advantage is that you can view all your blog posts without logging into it like an RSS feed. You will be able to browse in the top portion of your browser while using ScribeFire any time can go back to the full mode by simply closing the popup window.You can directly ping Ping-O-Matic or other directories including Technorati,Weblogs,Icerocket etc. or even add tags to them while blogging through scribefire.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

TheSage -great free thesaurus and English Dictionary

If you are looking for a great free thesaurus and an English Dictionary bundled together and can be used easily from your system or pen drive, TheSage is the best solution for you. TheSage's English Dictionary and Thesaurus is a professional software package that integrates a complete dictionary and multifaceted thesaurus of the English language into a single and powerful language reference system.
If you are looking just for a spell checker TheSage is not for you, instead you can try tinySpell. TheSage is powerful enough that you will hate using a dictionary any more. The new version has an improved interface which makes the navigation easy.
TheSage can look up words directly from almost any program like IE, Word, Firefox, Outlook, Thunderbird and more.This is accomplished by selecting the relevant word in the appropriate program and by pressing TheSage's Hotkey. TheSage will then read the word and carry out a lookup automatically.By default, TheSage's hotkey is CTRL + SHIFT + A but users can chose whatever combination they prefer via the 'Word capture' page in the Options dialog.

TheSage's dictionary has an amazing resource of
  • Multiple detailed definitions (+210,000).
  • Examples of usage (+50,000).
  • Phonetic transcriptions (+70,000).
  • Encyclopedic information (geographical, historical, political,...).
  • Academic knowledge (medicine, biology,...)
  • The thesaurus comprises of
  • Synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, meronyms, holonyms,...
  • Approximately 1,400,000 relationships between definitions.
It can be installed as a portable software also.
